Oh, this is so sad! I love the redbud, and this is its moment in the year to shine. There's a very large one outside my office, and I look forward to its riot of little flowers in inappropriate places (THE CROTCH of the tree, etc) and I wish I could replace the one now gone...

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Me too! I honestly did not anticipate the direction of this story. I promise you it is entirely fictional (except for Keith who is disturbingly close to a RL person). I have a lovely little Redbud right outside my window that brings me much joy. Thanks so much for reading and commenting 🙏🏼🥰

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Our neighborhood, pre-W.W. II, has some towering redbuds. I love the flowers and heart-shaped leaves and one was a gift to my spouse. That one and the previous one died after a few seasons. But the second one a year later had "babies" and there are now a handful with tentative blooms. I don't think I'll live long enough for them to be statuesque....

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Wow! The ones around here rarely reach anything close to statuesque , they are like little dwarf trees, I am surprised and please that somewhere they can actually tower. Thanks so much for reading and commenting.

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Thanks for writing your substack. I have redbud envy, a little, when I walk the dogs. However, we have an oak that's over 100 years old, a ginkgo and Sassafras almost as old, ditto a maple.... And the hemlocks we planted twenty years ago are very big.

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Now I find I have an acute attack of tree envy! My trees are small, though I have a gorgeous River Birch and a Bald Cypress 😊😊

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Lol! I didn’t expect the surprise ending!

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Neither did I! It started out to be a story about spring things…hence the little redbud tree but it all went south lolol. Thanks for reading and hope you got a kick out of it 😊😊

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The ending!!!!

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I had thought to draw it out and find some reconciliation between the girl with the tree reviving, but then I wanted to keep it short flash and the silly end came to me…he was such a twisted, suppressed little man- was best to end him anyway. 😆Thanks for reading and commenting!

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